Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sales Are Not Good For Your Wallet

Black Friday...such an ominous name, but such a strong attraction it holds...Tomorrow, when I should be doing my projects for school, my mother will be most likely be sailing through sales at Walmart. I might follow later, because I need a coat(or ski jacket) and a top for our school's trip this winter. Even if merchandise is marked down as "sale" most of the time they are still expensive when added up.

This Thanksgiving I was truly worried about a family member. The appointment is scheduled for the eighth of December, and we are waiting for the test results, but meanwhile his health is deteriorating. Thankfully, my parents say it is not critical, but this in between stage is the worst, when you are waiting, but now is not serious enough to be sent to the emergency room. I worry for what is to happen, because he will need surgery. I hope for a brighter day soon.

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