Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Lesson Learned

  1. Even if you are wearing flat shoes from a company like Naturalizer, even if you have already wore the shoes indoors, even if they feel comfortable, always break them in before an event involving a considerable amount of standing.
Lesson learned:  Patent leather flats are not meant broken in after one-and-a-half wears.  I should have already learned my lesson from Already Pretty (she has a great post about breaking new shoes in) but I naively thought that because they were rather soft flats, they would be comfortable straight from the box.  Not so.  After walking for two hours today, I got blisters and peeling on the sides of my heels.  I was supposed to wear the flats to a dance tonight, but I guess I'll have to wear sandals now.  Another lesson learned: wear socks when breaking shoes in!

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